These images were rendered in Daz3d. I also used Cararra for some of the backgrounds. The renders were made using either an Nvidia Quadro M4000 or a pair of K5500s. There are a LOT of images! The older images were done using a GTX660Ti. The background image used on this page was created using Vue Infinite.
Go Here to see the Luxus renders using the GTX660Ti and Quadro K5500 GPUs

Cleopatra Jones’ great-great-great-granddaughter


Looks that way…

Your suit’s power is failing lay still please…

“I really hope this is the elevator…”

Condition Red

The Rendevous

Rlinda doing her music vid pose…

Up in smoke…

Night Haulers

Young Rlinda Khett

Wish my garage was as clean!

Forgot this background was created using Vue Infinite! (Needs tweaking!) I like the lense effect that was created by the “sun light”.

Next stop…beyond: The expedition begins…

Good truckers know: Always Secure Your Load.

Does this thing ever move?

Once, in the Albermarle Hotel…


Animation: Frame 75

This certainly ain’t Brooklyn…that’s for sure!

Landing Bay 4

An empty train pulling into this station…how likely is that?

“Hmmm…I hear the patter of wet webbed feet…”

“Nubian Sundance”

I don’t know what’s up yet but best be ready to bug out…

“We passed over some structures in this direction…”

“Where are those nuts?”

“Barsoomian Beatdown!”

Lauri does CosPlay: AOD Chief Engineer Honey Wagner

Collision Course

Goodnight “Irene”!

This is the original 3Delight render of the image above.
Obvious difference between 3Delight and IRay Renders huh?

Meeting the mysterious informer

Amb. Julewan: “Do you really thi-”
Agent Jones: “Get In Before I Shoot You.”

“We hunt Monsters…It’s what we do!”

Instant Speeding Ticket.

“This can’t be good…”


Stand still or be eaten.

” Sigh… Finally … a break… “


“Security to sickbay!!”

Your systems suck!!!

Come topside… you gotta see this…

Engines at 100%?…Check!

Sneaking aboard…

“…and that thing you rode in on…”

Mya’s sled…


Uh Oh…

So? Will it fly or not?


Finish …the…fight…

Wayne’s BMW 840Ci

Mysterious Traveler

Assassin X

No guys…this is Earth!!

“Yeah, we’re heading out to find out why they’ve gone silent…”

Alright, let’s load up!

A clue ya think?!?

Charlie Team! Check for survivors! We’ll take care of these…things!!

“Gotta light?”
Which Render engine is better? IRAY or Luxus? I wouldn’t consider one better than the other. I actually like them both. Luxus has a number of settings that result in some great images. But I think to really get the most out of Luxus, one needs to have some knowledge of photography. It would seem IRAY can allow a wide variety of output due to the amount of settings which can be modified. You can set the scene lighting to mimic an actual location and time of day in addition to changing the sky “dome”. More on the way. -RB